Church of the

7580 Clinton Street
Elma, New York 14059


Respect Life

Respect Life Misssion Statement

We proclaim that human life is a precious gift from God; that each person who recieves this gift has responsibilities toward God, self and others; and that society, through its laws and social institutions, must protect and nuture human life at every stage of its existence.

Our Annunciation Respect Life Committee, under the guidance and direction of the Diocese of Buffalo Office of ProLife Activities and our Pastor, works to teach respect for all human life from conception to natural death.

To serve this goal we:

    â€¢    Participate in the National Life Chain the first Sunday in October each year

    â€¢    Observe the National Prayer for Life on Dec. 8th from 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 AM.

    â€¢    Parish workshops to acquaint parishioners with volunteer opportunities to help in food pantries, prison ministry, and the homeless

    â€¢     Workshops to support caregivers

    â€¢    Participate in the March for Life in Washington

    â€¢    Conduct letter writing and post card campaigns when necessary

    â€¢    Celebrate Mother's Day by having baby showers for pregnancy centers

    â€¢    Assist and provide for a continued flow of Respect Life information to our parish family

    â€¢    Parish visitors for the homebound


Current Life Issues

    There are many more issues than those listed here which are of concern to those who believe that God intends us to respect life from birth to its natural ending.  Please access the United States Council of Catholic Bishops at  for more information.

  • Abortion
  • Assisted Suicide
  • Capital Punishment
  • Cloning
  • Conscience Protection
  • Contraception
  • Embryo Research
  • Euthanasia
  • Fetal Research 
  • InVitro Fertilization 
  • Morning After Pill
  • Partial Birth Abortion
  • Post Abortion Healing
  • RU-486
  • Stem Cell Research


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