Church of the

7580 Clinton Street
Elma, New York 14059


May 25, 2017

Ascension of the Lord

St. Luke in Acts says it simply: “He was lifted up and a cloud took him from their sight.” We can imagine how difficult it is for the apostles. Jesus, with them for three years of public ministry and then after his crucifixion and death, with them as Risen Lord, is now gone! They can no longer physically hear, see and touch him. They are in shock, staring at the heavens. Angels come and ask: “Why are you looking at the sky?” We know what happens after a great loss. We lose our equilibrium and are unable to function. The “two men in white” assure the disciples that Jesus will return. After traumas in our lives we ask how Jesus will return. Does he reveal himself in a whispering sound in our hearts? When we are given enough energy to get out of bed and face another day? When unexpectedly someone offers encouragement in our grief? St. Luke continues the story. The apostles and women (including Mary) journey back from Mount Olivet, the moment and place of the ascension, to Jerusalem. Here they gather in the “upper room” – the holy space of the Last Supper. They give themselves to prayer. The feast of the Ascension of the Lord is both the sadness of departure and the joy of return. While Jesus is no longer present as we was, he continues to reveal himself quietly and unobtrusively within rhythm of our daily lives and in Sacramental encounters when the inner eye of heart sees him again. 

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Seventh Sunday of Easter


Stewardship is having the wisdom to understand that everything we have is a gift from God.

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