Church of the

7580 Clinton Street
Elma, New York 14059


May 06, 2018

6th Sunday of Easter

Girls and boys – how will you express your love to mom on Mother’s Day and to dad on Father’s Day? Perhaps you will in words or with a card, a hug, flowers from the garden, or maybe by making breakfast? There are many ways we express our love.

In the Gospel today (according to St. John) Jesus is spending his last meal or dinner with his disciples. Jesus calls them friends. Jesus expresses his love: “As the Father loves me so I love you!” Jesus wants us always to remain in his love. Jesus expresses his love in words and actions. Jesus, like a servant, will wash the feet of his disciples – dirty from roads and walking in sandals. Jesus will give his life and die on the cross for his friends, for us. Jesus will give a precious gift of his love, his very self, to his friends. After dinner, Jesus takes bread, blesses it, gives thanks, gives a piece of bread to each disciple and says: “This is my body.” He will take a cup of wine, blesses it and shares it with his friends saying: “This is my blood.” Jesus gives us his very life in the consecrated bread and wine – an abiding sign of his love.

How will you respond when you receive the Body and Blood of Christ? You will say: “Amen.” It means “yes” and “thank you”. In order to show our love for Jesus we promise to follow his commandments especially his commandment to love one another. Holy Communion is a way of life.

During the Eucharistic or Thanksgiving Prayer at the 5 PM Mass I will remember a lady who always came to Mass. When she was very old and unable to come to church I would bring Holy Communion to her in her son’s family home. It was a very special moment to be together to receive Jesus. After the 11 AM on Sunday I will go to visit a great grandpa and great grandma and bring them Holy Communion too. Millie and Ralph & Ann  are with us now because when we receive Jesus in Holy Communion we are united as friends of Jesus no matter where we are. We are one with him. 

5th Sunday of Easter

7th Sunday of Easter


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